Errors on the hard disk on your Mac OS X computer can be the cause why the computer doesn't run as fast as it used to. Let me show you how to check and repair the errors on a disk drive.
If you are on a certain data plan on your mobile provider, and don't want to exceed it, you can set data usage warning and a limit which can help you save some of your money.
Gmail offers you a new way of organizing your emails in tabs. You have a tab for you personal conversations, a tab for social media related emails, promotional emails with offers and a couple of more tabs.
From the Photos app you can email only up to five photos at once. Let me show you a nice little trick which will let you send more than five images in a single email.
In this simple Photoshop tutorial we will create an image that will look like there is a photo inside of a photo and add some radial blur for the more dynamic effect.