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Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

The most high-res topographic map of moon ever

 Links  | Author: Spaceman

The new map from Arizona State University in Tempe, shows the shapes and features of nearly the entire moon's surface.

Tabbed browsing in Google Chrome on Nexus 4

Tabbed browsing in Google Chrome on Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

Google Chrome browser on Nexus 4 has a very useful feature known from the desktop browsers called tabbed browsing. I will show you how to use it.

Nokia Lumia 920 first use set up

Nokia Lumia 920 first use set up

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

Let's go through the very beginnings of a Windows Phone 8 powered Nokia Lumia 920, turning it on and setting it up for the first use.

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

The Moon is 100 Million Years Younger as Thought

 News  | Author: Spaceman

According to the latest research, our moon is significantly younger than scientists previously believed.

How to Google in secrecy

How to Google in secrecy

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you don't like Google following your searches or you simply want to check how some search keywords rank on Google without the need to clear your cache and log off from Google account, then this is for you.

Ultra rare bay cat caught on video in Borneo

Ultra rare bay cat caught on video in Borneo

 News  | Author: KimmyK

The slick bay cat is the cat that we know the least about has been captured on a camera in a rain forest of Borneo in Indonesia.

Food and drinks

Food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in German language.

Food and drinks

Food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in Italian language.

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

 Links  | Author: mat

Very talented and mighty patient Photoshop manipulation artist Alexander Koshelkov did it again. This time he created this epic wallpaper with a title Airship Of Doom.

Check your German language basics

Check your German language basics

 Knowledge Check  | Author: mat

Let's see if you are familiar with the very basic words of the German language. Go through the intuitive questionnaire and build up your knowledge profile.

How to use content aware scaling the right way

How to use content aware scaling the right way

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We already published a similar tutorial, but this time we will find out how to resize images while the selected areas stay the same.

Car  windshield reflection in Photoshop

Car windshield reflection in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Adding a reflection to windshield window of a car is easier then you might think, let me show how to do that using Photoshop.

Layer mask in Gimp explained for the beginners

Layer mask in Gimp explained for the beginners

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Lots of people think using a layer mask is only for the advanced Gimp users, fortunately this isn't the case at all. Let me explain you the basic usage of layer mask on a easy to follow step-by-step example.

How to reduce Word document size

How to reduce Word document size

 Microsoft Office  | Author: TheDude

If your you think your Word document size on a disk is too large, you can reduce it by compressing the images.

Amazingly realistic water flow animation

Amazingly realistic water flow animation

 Links  | Author: mat

Creating a realistic and natural looking water flow is still one of the biggest challenges in the world of animation. Check this amazing attempt by NVIDIA, it truly is mind-blowing.

How to trace images in Gimp for beginners

How to trace images in Gimp for beginners

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

In this beginners tracing tutorial, I will show you how to do draw a vector looking picture, over an original image using a Paths Tool.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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