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A dolphin in distress swam to a diver for help

A dolphin in distress swam to a diver for help

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

This incredible event took place at Hawaii during a night dive. A bottlenose dolphin in distress approached the scuba diver and what happens next is pretty darn great.

How to blur a part of text in Gimp

How to blur a part of text in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to make a part of the text stick out more by blurring the rest of it in free image editing software Gimp.

Write with a chalk on a Chalkboard in Photoshop

Write with a chalk on a Chalkboard in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Remember the good old green chalkboards we had school classrooms? Let's recreate the memories using Photoshop.

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

Incredible Airship of Doom Photoshop speedart video

 Links  | Author: mat

Very talented and mighty patient Photoshop manipulation artist Alexander Koshelkov did it again. This time he created this epic wallpaper with a title Airship Of Doom.

How to change default search service in Mozilla Firefox

How to change default search service in Mozilla Firefox

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you enter search keywords into url entry field Firefox will use the Google search service by default. Let's find out how to change that.

Capital cities in Europe

Capital cities in Europe

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

In Europe you will find some very famous and some less famous capital cities.

How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

How to create simple forum in PHP from scratch

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

In this lesson we will cover most of the basic PHP knowledge and will learn how to create a very simple forum by using PHP and MySql database.

Why should large meat eaters be preserved

Why should large meat eaters be preserved

 News  | Author: KimmyK

We are losing our top large predators as their numbers are constantly falling bringing many species to the very edge of extinction, which has been causing harmful reactions across the landscapes and food chains.

How to set passcode and fingerprint ID on iPhone 5S

How to set passcode and fingerprint ID on iPhone 5S

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

The new Apple iPhone 5S comes with a touch sensitive finger print reading home button that enables you to unlock your phone or authorize buying apps by simply putting your finger on it.

How to activate Split Keyboard on iPad

How to activate Split Keyboard on iPad

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

In this iPad tutorial, I will show you how to change a keyboard layout, from a regular to split keyboard, try it out you might fall in love with it.

How to play audio in background in PowerPoint 2013

How to play audio in background in PowerPoint 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Cob

In new PowerPoint you have several options how to play audio in your presentation. I will show you the most useful and easy one.

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

Huge king sized wasp found in Indonesia

 News  | Author: KimmyK

Scientists have discovered a new species of giant, venomous wasp on Indonesian island. You really need to see this awesome insect.

Sticky notes in Mac OS X

Sticky notes in Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you're a sticky paper notes user you might want to save some trees and use the Stickies app that comes with the Mac OS X Lion.

Animal photo manipulation with Gimp

Animal photo manipulation with Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

A slightly advanced Gimp tutorial, but still appropriate for the beginners as well. We will replace the fox's head with the head of a hamster.

Vignette Photo Effect using Photoshop

Vignette Photo Effect using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In this tutorial we're going to add a discrete black circular framing called vignette.

How to create a playlist in iTunes

How to create a playlist in iTunes

 Apple software  | Author: mat

In this Apple Mac OS X tutorial you will learn how to make playlists of your favorite songs in your computer's music library.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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