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  Wilson Garden Co.,Ltd
gallon pots
Pay attention to make the vegetables planted face the south, so that these vegetables can absorb enough sunlight. Because the air permeability and water permeability of plastic flowerpot are not very good, it is most suitable for planting flowers with large water content. I hope the use of our plastic flowerpots can add more leisure and elegance to your life.
seed trays
The roof garden is built into an open style, which can be used as a leisure place. Some tables and chairs for people to rest can be arranged on the roof. Liquid fertilizer should be applied every two weeks, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied, otherwise the pattern and color of leaves will be affected. It affects the appreciation of white edge Chlorophytum.
plastic terracotta pots
If you want to use fertile and loose soil for breeding, you can use rotten leaf soil + sandy soil or rotten leaf soil + humus soil is also a good choice. Jasmine likes acidic soil. The soil can be prepared at home or bought in a flower shop. The soil should be changed after being used for a period of time to ensure sufficient soil nutrients for the growth of jasmine.
fabric pots
Do not water too much in the process, so as to avoid ponding, which will cause damage to the root of peony. Pruning must be done. Some plants have advantages and disadvantages. Although some plants can purify indoor air, they should be selected according to specific conditions.
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