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Displaying 113-128 of total 1945
Guns in movies replaced with thumbs-up

Guns in movies replaced with thumbs-up

 Links  | Author: TheDude

What happens if your replace guns of famous movie heroes with thumbs-up? The results are amazing and the action scenes take on a whole new meaning.

How to activate menu in Mozilla Firefox

How to activate menu in Mozilla Firefox

 Web services  | Author: mat

In newer versions of Mozilla Firefox, the menu is not displayed by default. Let's see how to make it visible again.

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Word

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Word

 Microsoft Office  | Author: bole

If you often use a certain function in Word, it is recommended to save it in the Quick Access Toolbar for a quicker use.        

Check your basic Excel knowledge

Check your basic Excel knowledge

 Knowledge Check  | Author: mat

Find out if you are really familiar with the basics of Microsoft Excel by going through some basic questions and start building your knowledge profile.

How to burn ISO image to a CD/DVD with Windows 7

How to burn ISO image to a CD/DVD with Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

You don't need any extra software to burn ISO images to a CD or DVD in Windows 7, you can simply use Windows Disc Image Burner.

How to enable Dolby Surround Sound on Nokia N9

How to enable Dolby Surround Sound on Nokia N9

 Mobile platforms  | Author: SoonerGooner

Nokia N9 supports the Dolby mode to enhance your listening pleasure when using headphones, this is how you turn it on.

How to use iframe function in Dreamweaver

How to use iframe function in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Cob

In this lesson I will show you how you can use iframe function to open some other website within your own website.

How well do you know Pakistani cuisine?

How well do you know Pakistani cuisine?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

Pakistani cuisine is a refined blend of various regional cooking traditions of South Asia. Pakistani cuisine is known for its richness and flavour. Take a quiz and build up your Dreevoo score.

Killer whale vs. dog

Killer whale vs. dog

 Links  | Author: TheDude

Orca chasing a labrador in the New Zealand waters. If we look beyond the dog owners irresponsibility, was the dog really in danger?

Commodore 64 Graphics Photoshop Tutorial

Commodore 64 Graphics Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

If you have played games on Commodore 64, you will be pleased to see what can be done with a little help of using Adobe Photoshop.

Robot lizard running through the sand

Robot lizard running through the sand

 News  | Author: mat

Running on the soft sandy beach is pretty hard and can take a breath out of one in no time. Let's see how the little DynaRoach - lizard inspired robot performs on sand.

Mars Might Contain Enough Water for Future Explorers

Mars Might Contain Enough Water for Future Explorers

 News  | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Curiosity rover stumbled upon a dirt which may contain enough water for the future Mars explorers to extract it from.

Nature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Nature is everything around us, we are nature and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it. Now let's learn about nature in Portuguese.

Turn image into text with free online OCR service

Turn image into text with free online OCR service

 Web services  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to convert image files into text files which you can then edit at your will.

iPhone 6 images leaked?

iPhone 6 images leaked?

 Links  | Author: mat

Images of the alleged new iPhone have leaked on the web. Real thing or not, the idea of edge-to-edge curved screen sounds mighty appealing.

Capital cities in Europe

Capital cities in Europe

 Knowledge Check  | Author: podtalje

In Europe you will find some very famous and some less famous capital cities.

Displaying 113-128 of total 1945
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