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Displaying 1089-1104 of total 1945
Add Google Analytics plugin to a Wordpress site

Add Google Analytics plugin to a Wordpress site

 Web services  | Author: mat

You will learn how to install a Google Analytics plug-in to your Wordpress site and connect it to a Google Analytics account, so you can start tracking your web traffic.

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

You have probably seen numerous of object reflections on web pages and magazines. Let me show you how to do that.

Delicious homemade flatbread recipe

Delicious homemade flatbread recipe

 Recipes  | Author: willcode4food

Don't have bread? No problem, make your own delicious flat bread in under 30 minutes. All you basically need is flour, water, olive oil and a bit of baking powder.

Alphabet in Greek Language

Alphabet in Greek Language

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Languages are based on alphabet. You will learn how to write and pronounce all the letters of Greek alphabet.

Web pages links

Web pages links

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: mat

In this beginner's lesson we're going to create three web pages and links between them.

How to mass rename multiple files in Windows 7

How to mass rename multiple files in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

A less known but very useful feature that works since Windows XP has been released. You can easily rename a bunch of files in a matter of seconds, let me show you how.

Scuba divers exploring mysterious river under the sea

Scuba divers exploring mysterious river under the sea

 News  | Author: TheDude

Mesmerizing images and video of scuba diver exploring an amazing underwater river-like channel flowing through the cave filled with water.

Stones in the water text from scratch in Photoshop

Stones in the water text from scratch in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Ok guys, this stone sign in the water tutorial is a bit on the advanced side, but do not be afraid to have a go, simply follow the step-by-step instructions really carefully and you should be fine, go!

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

If you want to start learning PHP and MySql, the first step is to setup complete environment on your local computer. This will include Apache web server with PHP support and MySql database server.

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

Create a rounded CSS button with transition effect

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

CSS is a mighty powerful language for shaping your web objects. You will learn to create a two versions of a web button, one with and other without a transition.

How to mark all emails as read in Gmail

How to mark all emails as read in Gmail

 Web services  | Author: mat

If there is a vast number of unimportant unread emails accumulating your Gmail inbox and it's starting to bother you, but you don't have time or nerves to mark them as read page by page, this is what you can do.

How to add a new user in Mac OS X Lion

How to add a new user in Mac OS X Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you don't want other people that use your Apple computer to access your documents, create a new user for them.

Make videos play backwards using Adobe Premiere

Make videos play backwards using Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

Basic and essential Adobe Premiere video editing tutorial, on how to play clips and videos backwards.

First steps

First steps

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

The first steps to get Acquaintance with the language for the very first time. You will learn how to say hallo, sorry and many more.

How to turn off automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox

How to turn off automatic updates in Mozilla Firefox

 Web services  | Author: Cob

If automatic updates cause you problems with your add-ons in Firefox, then you can turn automatic updates off.

Text in space

Text in space

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to prepare a deep space like looking background and then add some subtle yet visible text.

Displaying 1089-1104 of total 1945
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