You will learn how to install a Google Analytics plug-in to your Wordpress site and connect it to a Google Analytics account, so you can start tracking your web traffic.
Don't have bread? No problem, make your own delicious flat bread in under 30 minutes. All you basically need is flour, water, olive oil and a bit of baking powder.
A less known but very useful feature that works since Windows XP has been released. You can easily rename a bunch of files in a matter of seconds, let me show you how.
Ok guys, this stone sign in the water tutorial is a bit on the advanced side, but do not be afraid to have a go, simply follow the step-by-step instructions really carefully and you should be fine, go!
If you want to start learning PHP and MySql, the first step is to setup complete environment on your local computer. This will include Apache web server with PHP support and MySql database server.
CSS is a mighty powerful language for shaping your web objects. You will learn to create a two versions of a web button, one with and other without a transition.
If there is a vast number of unimportant unread emails accumulating your Gmail inbox and it's starting to bother you, but you don't have time or nerves to mark them as read page by page, this is what you can do.