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Displaying 785-800 of total 1945
Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Spanish.

First use and sign in with Nexus 4

First use and sign in with Nexus 4

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

You just bought Nexus 4 and you don't know anything about Android operating system, so I will guide you through literally first steps on this great phone.

How to crop the image in a Word document

How to crop the image in a Word document

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Cob

In this lesson we will show you how to use  the enhanced cropping tool to trim and efficiently remove unwanted portions of pictures to get just the look that you want.

Ghost effect in Adobe Premiere

Ghost effect in Adobe Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

Fun and basic step-by-step video editing tutorial, where we turn a person in video clip into a see through ghost using Adobe Premiere.

Text on background

Text on background

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In this beginners lesson we're going to enter some text and then add some background color underneath.

Crop the picture to any shape in PowerPoint 2013

Crop the picture to any shape in PowerPoint 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how you can easily crop inserted picture in your document to any shape in PowerPoint 2013.

How to add mp3 music to an iPad for beginners

How to add mp3 music to an iPad for beginners

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

A beginners guide for all you people out there who want to add your favorite mp3 songs to an iPad.

How to use Named Anchors in Dreamweaver

How to use Named Anchors in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: bole

Named anchors let you set markers in a document, often placed at a specific topic or at the top of a document. I will show you how to create quick access to some of the titles that you have on the website.

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

Change default resample image option in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you are mostly using only one resample image option when resizing images, then you can change the default option to the option you are using the most.

OUYA the $99 Android gaming console

OUYA the $99 Android gaming console

 Links  | Author: mat

In case you missed the stylish new player on the gaming console market called OUYA, here's everything you need to know about it.

Pimp my car Photoshop part 1

Pimp my car Photoshop part 1

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In the Part 1 of the series, I will show you how to put some big chrome wheels on to an old car and make it look hotter.

Check Your World Ocean Knowledge

Check Your World Ocean Knowledge

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Our beautiful, one and only home called Earth is called the Blue Planet for a reason. Vast oceans make it exceptional when observed from space. Find out how familiar you are with some of the world's oceans facts.

Stones in the water text from scratch in Photoshop

Stones in the water text from scratch in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Ok guys, this stone sign in the water tutorial is a bit on the advanced side, but do not be afraid to have a go, simply follow the step-by-step instructions really carefully and you should be fine, go!

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

How to get rid of Facebook app requests from friends

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

If you are tired and annoyed by the app requests and notifications your friends keep sending on Facebook, this is how you get rid of them without having to unfriend your friends.

Find Easter Eggs on Google's Developers page

Find Easter Eggs on Google's Developers page

 Links  | Author: mat

Google is known for their fun and creative way to hide the so called easter eggs around their websites. This one sure is one of the best.

Installing a new font in Windows

Installing a new font in Windows

 Web services  | Author: mat

From the web site dafont.com you can download and install hundreds of cool fonts for free.

Displaying 785-800 of total 1945
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