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Displaying 673-688 of total 1945
Canadian ghost town abandoned 30 years ago

Canadian ghost town abandoned 30 years ago

 Links  | Author: mat

Kitsault, BC, find out why this entire Canadian community was abandoned more than 30 years ago.

How to stop receiving promotion emails in Gmail?

How to stop receiving promotion emails in Gmail?

 Web services  | Author: mat

Google just introduced a great new Gmail feature that allows you to unsubscribe from those pesky marketers mailing lists by only a click.

Life size Lego car that runs on air

Life size Lego car that runs on air

 News  | Author: mat

Half a million Lego pieces put together in an amazing life size air powered car that is able to reach speeds up to 20 mph, how incredible does that sound?

Sony revealed the new slimmer Play Station 3

Sony revealed the new slimmer Play Station 3

 Links  | Author: mat

Sony just revealed a new slimmer version of its ever so popular PlayStation 3 gaming console it comes in two version both as game bundle.

Responsive full screen background using only CSS

Responsive full screen background using only CSS

 Programming languages  | Author: mat

Responsive full screen backgrounds have been lately trending all over the web. Let's learn how to create one without any scripts using pure CSS only.

Explore the old Antarctic huts with Google

Explore the old Antarctic huts with Google

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Google just added amazing 360 panoramas of the Antarctic huts, early explorers used over a century ago. New images are a part of the World of Wonder project as an addition to Google Street View.

How well do you know the world of animals?

How well do you know the world of animals?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

The word 'animal' comes from the Latin word animalis, meaning 'having breath'. Answer a few questions from the wonderful world of animals and build up your Dreevoo knowledge score.

Gorgeous NASA's pictures of Earth at night

Gorgeous NASA's pictures of Earth at night

 Links  | Author: mat

We’ve seen some stunning pictures courtesy of NASA before, but the organization has outdone itself with its latest efforts.

How good is your general knowledge of Science?

How good is your general knowledge of Science?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge on diferent branches. In this knowledge check we have prepared for you a few general knowledge questions of science. 

Microsoft Office 2010 installation

Microsoft Office 2010 installation

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

You have Microsoft Office 2010 Installation DVD or files and you aren't quite sure how to install it on your computer?

Google's ARA modular smartphone will cost $50

Google's ARA modular smartphone will cost $50

 News  | Author: mat

Not even a year ago, Project Ara was pretty much still a concept revealed by Phoneblocks and Motorola. Now Google announced the device will probably go on sale in the first quarter of 2015.

How to share your desktop in Skype

How to share your desktop in Skype

 Other applications  | Author: mat

Let me introduce you to the nice Skype feature which enables you to share your desktop with the people you are chatting with or talking to.

Open images as Photoshop layers

Open images as Photoshop layers

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

If you want to open more images at once and you want them in the same Photoshop document as layers, then keep reading.

How good do you know our solar system?

How good do you know our solar system?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Would you say, you know a lot about space and our solar system? Well I suggest you put your money where your clicking finger is and go through the quick questioner.

How to create a stereoscopic 3D effect in Photoshop

How to create a stereoscopic 3D effect in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Would you believe that this cool looking 3D effect can be done in less then 5 steps? Let me show you how using Photoshop.

Instagram for Android is finally out

Instagram for Android is finally out

 News  | Author: mat

Long awaited iPhone photo sharing app Instagram is finally out and available for Android users to install it on their devices.

Displaying 673-688 of total 1945
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