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Displaying 641-656 of total 1945
How to swap colors of clothes with Photoshop

How to swap colors of clothes with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: Jenny

Let's say you want a shirt but in color you have seen on some other shirt or piece of clothing. No biggie if you use the Photoshop.

Download iPhone app from the App Store even if it's not available in your country

Download iPhone app from the App Store even if it's not available in your country

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

Facebook has just released its newest app called Paper and it's only available in the US. But there's is simple workaround, check it out.

How to share a Google Document

How to share a Google Document

 Web services  | Author: mat

Google Docs or these days Google Drive can make collaborating with your colleagues or friends much easier by sharing Google Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Pictures or a whole folder.

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

8 new shark species found in depths of Indian Ocean

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

So far we have only discovered about 5 to 7 percent of the ocean floor and only about a half percent of the whole ocean. Now imagine all the still undiscovered species lurking in depths. 

Neil Armstrong died

Neil Armstrong died

 News  | Author: mat

The first man to ever walked on surface of the Moon, Neil Armstrong has died at the age of 82.

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

Girl with a dragon Tattoo Gimp tutorial

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

In this simple Gimp tutorial I will show you how to put a dragon tattoo on a lovely girl's back.

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

Chicken legs with potato and zucchini recipe

 Recipes  | Author: Pena

Today I will show you my way how to prepare chicken legs. As a side dish I will prepare baked potato and zucchini. The combination gives very good combination of tastes.

Turn off User Account control in Windows 8

Turn off User Account control in Windows 8

 Programs  | Author: bole

Have you ever been bothered by 'Are you sure ...?' window. In this lesson you'll see how you can eliminate such windows forever.

Test your awareness

Test your awareness

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

Let's see how focused and aware you are by trying to count all the ball passes that were made in the video behind this link.

How well do you know Slovenia?

How well do you know Slovenia?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Slovenia is a small country located in the middle of European Union but it is also worldwide known as one of best innovative ones.

Humans are a 500 million year old genetic mistake

Humans are a 500 million year old genetic mistake

 News  | Author: mat

New studies reveal, that evolution of humans and other vertebrates followed after a genetic process that went wrong 500 million years ago.

How to create and redesign table in Microsoft Word

How to create and redesign table in Microsoft Word

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Brodjan

It often happens that we need to insert a table into the document. In this lesson we will show you how to create a table and then we will redesign it to be more transparent.

The simplest way to prepare an avocado

The simplest way to prepare an avocado

 Recipes  | Author: willcode4food

Avocados grow on trees and are simply delicious. I will show you the easiest way to get rid of the core and get the good stuff out of the shell

First 3D printing pen in the world

First 3D printing pen in the world

 Links  | Author: Sheeva

3D printing is on a rise these days, but how about 3D drawing of real objects literally in to the air with a pen? 

How to merge and split cells in Dreamweaver Table

How to merge and split cells in Dreamweaver Table

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Cob

Tables and cells are an important parts in designing websites. I'll show you the basics of merging and spliting.

World's biggest offshore wind turbine is complete

World's biggest offshore wind turbine is complete

 News  | Author: TheDude

French engineering company have announced that its new generation wind turbine is finally finished and ready to produce some serious megawatts of electricity.

Displaying 641-656 of total 1945
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