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Displaying 49-64 of total 1945
Cover Page in Word 2013 Document

Cover Page in Word 2013 Document

 Microsoft Office  | Author: bole

If you want to have a little nicer Home page in a Word document, then the easiest way is to insert a Cover page.

Create a Photo Album Within PowerPoint

Create a Photo Album Within PowerPoint

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

You can create with ease a photo album in your favourite presentation making program and I will show you how to do it in just a few steps.

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

Add a folder shortcut to Favorites

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

If you are like me and don't like too many shortcuts on desktop you can add a shorcut to favorites in Windows Explorer.

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

How to use Toggle Track Output in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to create an interesting effect in Premiere. Probably you've already seen it on television and so why not try to make it yourself?

If I had Google Glass project

If I had Google Glass project

 Links  | Author: TheDude

Google just announced that you can be one of the chosen ones who will have a chance to get their hands on Google Glass before they go into mass production and hit the market.

Cool car animation in a PowerPoint 2010 presentation

Cool car animation in a PowerPoint 2010 presentation

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

Really basic tutorial where you will learn how to animate a car driving from one side to another of presentation.

Lumia 920 insane durability test with crazy results

Lumia 920 insane durability test with crazy results

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Durability test of the Nokia Lumia 920 by scratching it with car keys, slicing it with a knife and finally using it to hammer in a nail into a piece of wood.

Incredible story about a man who played a violin

Incredible story about a man who played a violin

 Links  | Author: NikMan

You must read this incredible story about a man who played a violin in subway station in Washington DC. The end is truly spectacular.

Photoshop Rotten Teeth

Photoshop Rotten Teeth

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

You should brush your teeth every day, otherwise you will not be needing Adobe Photoshop to make them look bad like in this tutorial.

Play a sound when I get messages from someone

Play a sound when I get messages from someone

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

You will learn hot to play a sound in Outlook, when messages arrive from any person you will select from contacts or entered e-mail.

How to install GIMP

How to install GIMP

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

GIMP is a Free, Open Source software for image manipulation. I'm going to show you were to download it and how to install it.

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

First video in history showing Moon orbiting Earth

 News  | Author: Spaceman

NASA's Juno spacecraft captured the first ever video of how our world would look like to visitors from outer space would.

Add your favorite website to iPad home screen

Add your favorite website to iPad home screen

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

If you frequently visit some of the websites I recommend you to add website shortcuts to your iPad's home screen or one of other desktops.

How to open command prompt from a certain folder

How to open command prompt from a certain folder

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Very handy and a less known way of opening a Windows command prompt window from any folder you choose.

Disable background app refresh on iPhone 5S

Disable background app refresh on iPhone 5S

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

You can preserve the battery life of your iOS powered Apple device by turning off background app refresh option.

How to create a folder

How to create a folder

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

You will learn how to create, rename and delete folders in Windows 7 so you can organize your pictures, documents and other files.

Displaying 49-64 of total 1945
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