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How do you say "You are beautiful" in Italian language? Expand your seduction skills by going international.

  Author: NikMan | Category: Italian language | 30th January 2012  

I like you

Writing: Mi piaci

Would you like to go for a dinner?

Writing: Vuoi venire a cena con me?

Would you like to go on date?

Writing: Usciamo insieme?

Would you like to take a walk?

Writing: Facciamo una passeggiata?

I'm shy

Writing: Sono timido

I like talking to you

Writing: Mi piace parlare con te

You have a lovely smile

Writing: Hai un bel sorriso

Are you having good time?

Writing: Ti stai divertendo?

You look great

Writing: Sei carina

You have beautiful hair

Writing: Hai dei capelli molto belli

I like your eyes

Writing: Mi piacciono i tuoi occhi

You are beautiful

Writing: Sei bella

You are wonderful

Writing: Sei stupenda

You're a good kisser

Writing: Baci bene

Would you like to sleep with me?

Writing: Vuoi andare a letto con me?

Do you carry protection?

Writing: Hai la protezione?

I love waking up next to you

Writing: Mi piace svegliarmi accanto a te

I love you

Writing: Ti voglio bene
Rome is the capital of Italy and one of the biggest cities in Europe with a population of about 2,5 million inhabitants.
First steps
Time and date
Calendar and seasons
Food and drinks
Ordering food and drinks
Traveling information
School and Work
Nature and wildlife
Telephone calls to business
Entertainment and culture
Sports and places

  Traveling information
Italian language | Rating: 3.1
Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, Italian in this case?
  Calendar and seasons
Italian language | Rating: 3
Four seasons and twelve months in a year. Want to learn how to pronounce them in Italian language?
  Time and date
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Time is money or so they say. But what is certain, it's always good to be able to tell time in Italian language.
  Telephone calls to business
Italian language | Rating: 2.8
Learn the basics of telephone calls to a business, this time in Italian language in this intuitive audio language lesson.

  Entertainment and culture
Italian language | Rating: 3.1
We need to relax more in this time and age and having fun sounds like a great way to forget about the daily routine. Let's have fun in Italian language!
  Food and drinks
Italian language | Rating: 2.9
Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in Italian language.
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