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Displaying 1313-1328 of total 1945
How to enable Dolby Surround Sound on Nokia N9

How to enable Dolby Surround Sound on Nokia N9

 Mobile platforms  | Author: SoonerGooner

Nokia N9 supports the Dolby mode to enhance your listening pleasure when using headphones, this is how you turn it on.

Retouching Kim Jong's funeral photo North Korea style

Retouching Kim Jong's funeral photo North Korea style

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

You probably heard or seen the news about retouching the picture of North Korea's leader Kim Jong funeral?

How to use IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet

How to use IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

I'll show you the basic usage of IF function in Google Drive Spreadsheet. The IF function returns one value if a specified condition evaluates to TRUE, or another value if it evaluates to FALSE.

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (1/3)

Turn a daylight photo of a house into a night shot (1/3)

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In the first part of this Photoshop tutorial we will turn a photo of a house taken at broad daylight into a haunting house nigh shot.

The color labels in Mac OS X Finder

The color labels in Mac OS X Finder

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you are more of a visual person and would like to organize your folders and files using different colors, than check it out how to use color labels in Mac OS X.

Calendar and seasons

Calendar and seasons

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Four seasons and twelve months in a year. Want to learn how to pronounce them in French language?

My first Google Docs Presentation

My first Google Docs Presentation

 Web services  | Author: mat

We will create a simple presentation, using Google's office in the cloud service Google Docs.

View EXIF image data online

View EXIF image data online

 Web services  | Author: podtalje

Camera images usually contain additional description about camera settings and scene information of the the picture taken. By using EXIF, you can view this data online.

Humans are a 500 million year old genetic mistake

Humans are a 500 million year old genetic mistake

 News  | Author: mat

New studies reveal, that evolution of humans and other vertebrates followed after a genetic process that went wrong 500 million years ago.

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

Change screen shot saving location on Mac OS X

 Apple software  | Author: mat

By default, when you do a screen shot in Mac OS X, screen shot images get saved on a desktop. Let me show you how to change the location.

How to download Nokia Here Maps for Offline use

How to download Nokia Here Maps for Offline use

 Mobile platforms  | Author: Sheeva

The new Nokia Here Maps have an option that enables you to download maps to your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi, so there won't be any data connection needed the next time you will be using the app.

How to change duration date of Facebook campaign

How to change duration date of Facebook campaign

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you can't find the option to change start and end date of your Facebook ad, don't worry you are not alone. Find out where it is.

Select and duplicate

Select and duplicate

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

In this beginners tutorial, I'm going to show you how to select an object and then duplicate it.

World's first elastic electrical cable

World's first elastic electrical cable

 News  | Author: mat

Japanese chemical company says their newly developed elastic electrical cable called Roboden can stretch by a factor 1.5.

Turn a photo into sketch real fast with Photoshop

Turn a photo into sketch real fast with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: Mukarachi

There are lot of ways of turning photograph into a sketch, some take a lot of time and skills, others like this one are easy and quick.

Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials

 Other applications  | Author: mat

It's highly recommended to protect your computer against Virus, Malware, Spyware and other potential threats. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the better, free solutions.

Displaying 1313-1328 of total 1945
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