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I am thinking of buying Sony Xperia SP. What do you think about it? |
I don't recomend you Sony, because the firm mislead. Rather take a look at some LG. If they are making fun of the custumers that bought their most expensive phone, how would they behave to the customers which would buy cheaper phones. |
What do you mean they are making fun of the customers? |
Acquaintance told me, that he had a lot of problems with returning Sony phone that had problem with the front camera.
But OK, maybe I was overreacting.
Cob go for the Sony Xperia SP.
| changed: bole (26th Nov 2013, 8:26 PM) |
So Cob have you already bought it? |
As I have seen it, it is a fine phone. |
For now I like it but I have to test it a little bit more. I'll let you know. |
For now it works great, it makes very good photos, videos. The battery last 2-3 days. The system is sufficientaly good. |