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  How do you like the site?
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12th Jan 2012, 11:58 PM
This site is awesome. It has helped me many times and all of my friends are excited too. We are students and need most of your free knowledge.

Keep up the good work!
  How do you like the site?
  Awesome, exactly what I need!
  39 %
  Could be better.
  9 %
  It's OK.
  44 %
  Votes: 457    Poll available: 10.11.2011 do 21.3.2025.
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13th Jan 2012, 2:14 AM
Thanks again Mukarachi, and be sure Dreevoo it's only going to get better and bigger.
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9th Feb 2012, 11:10 AM
I find the English version of Zmaga.com, which is where I came from, quite OK. There are some "inconsistencies", however, and sometimes, a better translation would fit, in my opinion. For example, the "Who`s on?" would sound better as "Who is online?".

I will personally contribute English lessons as well. At the moment, I’m writing a tutorial for Slovenian version of this website, and I plan to translate it and post it also on Dreevoo.

I sense this site has the potential of getting big & good now that it’s in other languages as well, not just Slovene, so I plan to actively contribute to it as well as regularly read it
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9th Feb 2012, 11:48 AM
Hey MrEinStain, welcome and thank you for being constructive.

Dreevoo is being constantly updated and fixed and yes there might be some glitches still but we shall do our best to get rid of them and make the site enjoyable and perfect in all aspects.

I'm glad you decided to stay and are planning to contribute as well.
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9th Feb 2012, 12:13 PM
I agree, this site looks quite promising and with just a little work and some good advertising I think it could easily achieve (or maybe even exceed) the same potential as Zmaga.
And mat, what glitches are you talking about? Everything works just fine for me.

(BTW, MrEinStain, if you don't mind, what's your username on Zmaga? )

changed: mat (9.2.2012, 13.02.47)
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9th Feb 2012, 1:06 PM
Erco, everything should work fun function wise, it's just, it's still a new site and it's quite hard to predict everything, so far so good though.
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10th Feb 2012, 5:55 AM
Just thought I’d tell about it, the 'On a new reply, send me an e-mail' doesn’t seem to be working because I didn’t get an email for this topic.

(BTW, MrEinStain, if you don't mind, what's your username on Zmaga? )

My username is the same as here (profile ID #5677), I'm writing my first lesson
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