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Making of kids room part 1

In first part of the series we will prepare everything so we can then start painting the room without fear of making a mess.

  Author: mat | Category: Do It Yourselfe | 19th May 2012 |  

In my case I will refresh the old kids room and make it really for little kids and their needs.


First, let's measure the where two colors will meet.

This is going to be a girl's room, bottom part of walls will pinkish, the rest I will leave white.


You need a measuring tape and a pen. Mark all around the room where you want your bottom color to reach. In my case it's 85 centimeters (33,5 inches) from the floor.


Clean the part of the wall you will paint with a soft brush.


Take the painter's masking tape ...


... and tape it where your marked the wall.

Do your best to tape it straight and on the same level.


Do that all over the room you want to paint.


Mask all the wooden and other pieces you don't want to catch the paint as well.


At the bottom protect the floor and wooden trim as well. If you don't have the special PVC protection with tape, you can also use newspapers or similar.


And again, put protection all around the room.


It's advised to remove protection of power sockets  before the paint job.

If you are not sure how to remove power outlet protection, then get somebody who can. Dreevoo.com cannot be held responsible for any possible injuries you might encounter.

Click here for the part 2 of the guide, where we paint the room.

  Making of kids room part 2
Do It Yourselfe | 6th August 2012 | Author: mat
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  Making of kids room part 1
Do It Yourselfe | 19th May 2012 | Author: mat
In first part of the series we will prepare everything so we can then start painting the room without fear of making a mess.
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