Create images for Dreevoo tutorials using our app
Dreevoo Content Image Maker is an awesome little stand-alone Windows app that will help you create images for Dreevoo.com tutorials. Remember, you get paid for every published tutorial.
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We have made a brand new version of our Dreevoo Content Image Maker application with a couple of new features. If you are a Windows user, you want to contribute to Dreevoo.com's ever growing base of knowledge and get the paid in Tokens in return, then try out our little program, I promise you, it will save you much of your time.
To download Dreevoo Content Image Maker (CIM), click here and click the Content Image Maker app download button.
Save the .exe file (the program itself) to your computer.
And just double click it to launch the Dreevoo Content Image Maker.
It's a stand-alone program and doesn't need any installation. You can save to a folder on your computer and create a desktop shortcut, you can pin it to a taskbar.
So this is now the Dreevoo Content Image Maker user interface. It consists of four parts:
at the top, there are two buttons, Lesson (300x225) and Lesson (96x96). With these two button you define if you want to create a 300 x 225 pixel image (those are tutorial images you see in all our tutorials) or an 96 x 96 pixel thumb image of the tutorial.
On the right side we have Screenshot, Paste and Save picture button along with two cursor you can attach to images.
At the bottom, you can choose the folder, where on your computer you want to save the tutorial images.
And the Center image window, where you can move and resize screenshot images and add cursors to them.
Let's now see Dreevoo Content Image Maker (CIM) in action. I'm going to create bunch of images for a new Photoshop tutorial.
It's going to be a tutorial on how to change a preferred way of resizing images in Photoshop.
First thing's first, let's change the folder when I want the new images to be stored.
Click the Folder button on CIM interface.
Now browse to the folder where you want to save your new tutorial images.
If you want to create a new folder, just right click the folder where you want your new folder and choose New and then Folder.
Enter a new folder name, press Enter and click OK.
Now let's make a first tutorial screenshot.
I have my Photoshop opened and I'm exactly where I want to show my the users what to do first.
As I said, I'm making a new Photoshop tutorial.
To capture a screen you have a couple of options. You can click the Screenshot button ...
As you press the Screenshot button, an image of your screen appears automatically in the image window of CIM.
... or you can press the Prt Scr (print screen) button on your keyboard to make a screenshot of the whole screen, or press Alt + Prt Scr to take a screen shot of the active window on your screen.
Click Paste and image should appear in the CIM.
Basically images that are in your Clipboard (temporary memory), for instance if you copy and image from internet, or make Edit > Copy in a software like Photoshop are going to appear in the window when you click Paste.
Now that you have your first image in the window use your mouse to move it around and adjust it so the people who are going to learn using your tutorial will understand what you meant.
You can also use the arrow keys on you keyboard to adjust the image more accurately. To resize the image, use the scrolling wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out. I advise you not to use the resize function if not necessary, in most cases it's better for the user if you leave the images in their original size.
When you're finished with adjusting the image, click Save picture and it will get saved into the folder you defined earlier.
Images get saved under the names Image1.jpg, Image2.jpg, Image3.jpg,... as you click the Save picture button it gets saved incrementally. If you let's say delete the picture Image2.jpg, the next picture that gets saved will be saved as Image2.jpg again to fill in the gap then continue with the biggest saved number plus 1. It's not as complicated as it may sound really. ;)
If you want to add the mouse cursor, to pin on what the user should click next, just click and drag it from the right side of CIM and drop it onto the image (see picture).
Now go through your tutorials and keep making screenshots you think are necessary for your tutorial to work. Remember, people who learn through the tutorials are usually not as skilled as the person who is making them. Keep in mind, that what to you is obvious, might not be as obvious for the learning folks. It's better to show one step more of the process than one step to few.
To create a thumb picture for your new tutorial just switch to the Lesson (96x96) button ...
... adjust the image the same way you did with the 300x255 images ...
and click Save picture.
Thumb images are always saved under the name Image0.jpg, no matter how many times you click Save picture, meaning you can create a thumbnail anytime during the making of tutorials and it will be always the first one to choose from when uploading images to Dreevoo.com submitting interface.
Hope you will find our application be of a great help when making tutorials and lessons for Dreevoo.com community, we will also start working on an universal submitting interface where there won't be any operating system limitations, until then happy CIM-ing and we are already looking forward to your contributions to the world of knowledge!
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