How to change default font in Outlook 2010
If you are bored of your default Outlook font, you can always change it, let me walk you through.
Open your Microsoft Outlook 2010 and click the File tab.
In the left pane, click Options.
In Outlook Options window click Mail.
Click the Stationery and Fonts... button.
Click New mail messages Font... button.
Now choose the new Font for all the new Emails you are going to write.
You can also choose the new Font color.
Click OK when done.
Now choose the Font... button under Replying or forwarding messages, and choose the same font and maybe a different color.
You can of course choose a different font as well. This settings are going to effect the text in all the Email replies and forwardings you are going to write.
Click OK when done.
Next time you write an Email, it should be in a new font you chose for your Outlook.