Add a brown tan to a pale skin in Photoshop
If you think you look too pale on your vacation bikini photos, you can add some nice tan to them, without risking a sunburn.
Open a picture you want to add some nice tan too.
Create a selection of the skin you want to add some tan to.
Press Q to Edit in Standard Mode again.
Press Shift + Ctrl + I to inverse the selection.
Let's now make the edges of our selection a bit softer.
In the menu click Select and choose Refine Edge...
Set Smooth to about 8 and Feather to about 1.0 px.
Click OK.
Selection is now finished.
Press Ctrl + J to create a new layer from the selection.
In the menu click Image, Adjustment and choose Exposure...
Set the Gamma Correction to about 0.42, don't over do it though.
Click OK.
Press Ctrl + J to duplicate the layer.
This time Ctrl + J duplicated the whole layer into a new selection, as you probably noticed in the Step 7 the same function created a new layer from your selection.
In the menu click Image, Adjustments and choose Photo Filter...
Choose the Color option and click the color square to choose a new color (see picture).
Select a nice golden brown color.
I've chosen the color with the code #90560a.
Click OK.
Boost the filter Density to 100 % and uncheck the Preserve Luminosity option.
Click OK.
Set the top layer's Blending Mode to Darken and Opacity to about 20%.
Now select the middle layer (Layer 1).
In the menu click Image, Adjustments and choose Brightness/Contrast...
Set the Brightness to about -20 and Contrast to 10.
Play a bit with the sliders to achieve results suited for your own image.
Click OK.
And that's it, a nice tan of brown has been applied.
And the original picture for comparison.