Find and replace text in Microsoft Word
You might find yourself in a situation, when you need to replace a recurring word or text in a document with some other text.
Select the text you want to replace with something else.
I'm going to replace George with Steve.
Click the Find button (Ctrl + F for a keyboard shortcut).
You might find the Find button on it's own or "hiding" under Editing which you have to click first.
In the left pane you will see all the sentences that contain text you selected.
Click the little drop menu arrow and choose Replace (see picture).
In Replace with: field enter the new text that will replace the old one.
... and choose Find whole words only option.
This way you will only replace the actual words and not part of the words as well. An example: if you would want to replace a word 'day' with 'night' and you wouldn't choose this option, and your text would also contain word 'Tuesday', 'Tuesday' would become 'Tuesnight', which you most probably would not want.
When asked if you want to search from the beginning, just click Yes and then OK.
And all my Georges are now Steve.