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Ordering food and drinks

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Spanish.

  Author: NikMan | Category: Spanish language | 19th November 2011  

Waiter, can we order?

Writing: ¿Podemos pedir?

What would you like to eat?

Writing: ¿Qué va a tomar?

I'm thirsty

Writing: Tengo sed

I'm hungry

Writing: Tengo hambre

I would like a beer

Writing: Tráigame una cerveza

Do you have Coca Colo?

Writing: ¿Tiene Coca cola?

I would like to drink milk

Writing: Me gustaría beber leche

I would like a chicken

Writing: Me gustaría comer pollo

Waiter, I would like to pay please

Writing: Camarera cobreme por favor

We'll pay together

Writing: Pagarémos juntos

We'll pay seperatelly

Writing: Pagarémos separados

How much is the beer?

Writing: ¿Cuánto cuesta una cerveza?

Can I pay for juice?

Writing: ¿Puedo pagar el zumo?

Take my money, please!

Writing: Vuélveme el dinero, por favor!
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El Clásico aka El derbi Español is the everlasting and probably the most known, anticipated and followed football match in the world. FC Barcelona and Real Madrid continue battling to to dominate the Spanish and UEFA champions league.
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Food and drinks
Ordering food and drinks
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  Ordering food and drinks
Spanish language | Rating: 2.9
To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Spanish.
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