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Traveling information

Ever went to a country where  people you tried to interact with did not speak any other language but their own, Russian in this case?

  Author: NikMan | Category: Russian language | 29th July 2012  

Do you speak Russian?

Writing: Вы говорите по-русски?

I need help

Writing: Мне нужна помощь

Excuse me, where is the train station?

Writing: Извините, где находится вокзал?

Is there a hotel nearby?

Writing: Есть ли здесь поблизости какая-нибудь гостиница?

Can you tell me where a post office is?

Writing: Вы не знаете, где почта?

I would like to order a taxi

Writing: Я хочу заказать такси

Where is the restaurant?

Writing: Где ресторан?

I would like to exchange money

Writing: Я хочу обменять деньги

How much is the ticket?

Writing: Сколько стоит билет?

Where is the nearest toilet?

Writing: Где здесь ближайший туалет?

Can I call you?

Writing: Могу ли я позвонить вам?

Where is the police?

Writing: Где находится полиция?

On the left side

Writing: Слева

On the right-hand side

Writing: Справа

I would like to book a room

Writing: Я хочу забронировать номер

How much for one night?

Writing: Сколько стоит одна ночёвка?

Is there a store?

Writing: Здесь магазин?

Personal identification (ID)

Writing: Личный документ


Writing: Паспорт

Where is the airport?

Writing: Где аэропорт?

Drive staight forward

Writing: Вам надо ехать прямо

Im looking for a bust station

Writing: Я ищу автобусную остановку

Where is the nearest pharmacy?

Writing: Где ближайшая аптека?

Where is a car park?

Writing: Где находится стоянка?
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the most north of Earth's biggest cities, biggest city in Europe and 6th biggest city in the world. Moscow has a population of about 11,503,000 and has according to Forbes, the largest number of billionaire compared to any other city in the world.
Getting to know each other
First steps
Time and date
Calendar and seasons
Food and drink
Ordering food and drinks
Traveling information

Russian language | Rating: 3.5
Language is based on alphabet. You will learn how to write and pronounce all the letters of Russian alphabet.
  First steps
Russian language | Rating: 3.7
Basic words to get familiar with Russian language for the very first time. You will learn how to say hello, goodbye and similar.
Russian language | Rating: 3.2
Numbers are basically universal but pronunciation and writing are different in pretty much all languages and Russian language is no exception.
  Ordering food and drinks
Russian language | Rating: 3.1
To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Russian language.
  Time and date
Russian language | Rating: 3
Time is money or so they say. But what is certain, it's always good to be able to tell time in Russian language.
  Food and drink
Russian language | Rating: 3.1
Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in Russian language.
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