Night rain Photoshop tutorial
Want to know how to create pretty realistic looking rain in just a few steps? Let me show you.
Open a new Adobe Photoshop document.
In the menu click Edit and choose Fill.
In the Fill settings window chose 50% Gray and click OK.
Let's add some noise to the gray background.
In the menu click Filter, Noise and choose Add Noise...
In the Noise settings window, set the amount to 100%, Distribution to Gaussian and check the Monochromatic option.
Click OK.
Let's soften the noise a bit.
In the menu click Filter, Blur and choose Blur.
Let's make it rain now.
In the menu click Filter, Stylize and choose Wind.
In the Wind settings window, select the Blast Method and any direction you want.
Click OK.
Now press Ctrl + F two times in a row.
Ctrl + F repeats the last applied Filter. In our case it's the Wind filter. It saves you some time, for you don't need to go through the same steps if you about to apply the exactly same filter with exactly same settings more then once.
Press Ctrl + I to invert the colors.
In most cases rain doesn't fall at the 90 degrees angle, so we need to rotate the layer a bit. But first we need to turn the Backround into a regular layer.
Right click the Background and choose Layer From Background...
Now press Ctrl + T to activate the Free Transform mode and rotate the rain layer similar to my angle (see picture).
You probably notice the empty space on each side of the rain layer, don't worry, just stretch the rain layer to left to so you cover the empty space and do the same on the right side (see picture).
Press Ctrl + L to adjust the levels a bit.
Set it to the similar settings as I did or what ever works better for you.
Click OK.
And rain kept falling through the night ...