Password protect your USB drive
In Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise you can use the BitLocker to password protect and encrypt data on your drives.
Open the Windows Explorer and right click the drive you want to protect against unauthorized usage...
I'm goint to protect my USB Key drive F:
... and choose Turn on BitLocker...
Check the Use a password to unlock the drive option and enter the password of your choice twice, then click Next.
Now click Save the recovery key to a file...
You need this in case you forget the password.
... and Save it to a "secret" place and click Next.
Click Start Encrypting.
The process can take a while, it depends on the size of your data.
When the encryption is complete click Close.
Now the next time you'll put the USB drive into computer you will need to enter the Password first and only then you'll be able to access the data.
You can check the Automatically unlock on this computer from now on option so you wont need to enter the password each time you use it on your computer.
Click Unlock and now you're able to access the data on your drive again.
If you'll put the encrypted drive into some other computer that doesn't have the Enterprise or Ultimate version of Windows 7 installed, you won't be able to access the drive.
Click here for the lesson on how to deactivate the encryption.