Virtual Wireless Router
Great little program by Codeplex that does exactly what it promises, it turns your Notebook or a PC into a WiFi Hotspot.
Click here to open the VirtualRouter download page.
Click VirtualRouter download link (see picture) to start the download.
Your Notebook or PC needs to have a wireless network card for this program to work.
Run the installation .msi file and click I Agree.
You can of course read what you are agreeing on first ;)
Select your installation folder, or leave it like suggested, choose Everyone if you don't mind other users using this program and click Next twice.
Click Close when the installation is complete.
Virtual Router Manager is now opened.
All you have to do is enter the WiFi Network Name or so called SSID, enter Password to protect you wireless connection and choose your Shared Connection - your Wireless Network Connection.
Just click Start Virtual Router and connect your WLAN to the WiFi Hotspot with the name you entered in the previous step.
I connected my Android smartphone and iMac at the same time and it works like a charm!
This can come in really handy when there's only one connection available but you need at least two or more and you don't have an actual Wireless router at place.