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Get a color palette of an image using an online service

A real useful web service for all the designer who want to know what colors have been used on a certain image. You can even download a Photoshop Swatch file containing the color palette of the image.

  Author: mat | Version: | 19th March 2014 |  

Let's say I want to find which colors have been used on the image created by the artist Alessandro Pautasso.


Go to the Pictaculous website and click the Browse button ...


... Choose the image you want to find out the colors from ...

At the time of this tutorial, you could only use PNG, GIF and JPG files not larger than 500Kb.


... and click the Get My Palette button.


Wait for a few moments for the color detection procedure to finish and there it is!

A complete color palette of the image including suggested color palettes by Adobe Kuler and ColourLovers.


And if you want to download the Adobe Swatch File, click the Download button bellow ...


... and simply click to open it in Adobe Photoshop.


Here it is in Adobe Photoshop.

Also recommended:

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