Create Christmas Trees and Snowflakes in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial we will crate a beautiful image with random Christmas trees and snowflakes from scratch.
Create a new document.
I have created a document with dimensions 1024 x 768 pixels and white background.
Then select the Gradient Tool (G).
Click on Set foreground color and in a field # type 5eb3e9 value and click OK.
After that click on Set background color and in a field # type 274fc5 value and click OK (see my pic).
Then set the same gradient settings as I did (see my pic).
Now drag your mouse from bottom to top to create a gradient (see my pic).
We will place a Christmas tree now, which you can download here.
Then click above on File and select Place...
In a new window select the downloaded Christmas tree and click Place.
Place a Christmas tree everywhere on the bottom (see my pic) and transform it to.
Places Christmas tree is a vector graphics so it will always look good and sharp.
After that confirm placement by pressing Enter key.
Now we will duplicate Christmas tree many times.
Select Move Tool (V).
Hold Alt (Option on MacOS) key and drag Christmas tree to another location (see my pic).
Alt (Option on MacOS) key will duplicate every layer selected and moved.
Then click above on Edit and select Free Transform.
You layer will become transformable, so you can resize it, thicken it and everything you like.
I have resized it and confirm changes by pressing the Enter key.
Repeat last steps to duplicate and transform many Christmas trees (see my pic).
After than select any duplicated (or original) Christmas tree layer.
Click above on Layer, Layer Style and select Color Overlay.
Click on color square and type 7cb6e8 in # field.
Press OK twice to confirm the color.
Select now any other duplicated (or again original) Christmas tree layer.
And repeat the Color Overlay step by entering other color values.
I have used values as 7cb6e8, 1f82c6, d9eeff, 368dd4 and ddedfc for my Christmas trees.
We will add snowflakes now.
Press B key to select Brush Tool.
After that click above on Click to open the Brush Preset picker ...
..., click on more options little icon and select Preset Manager.
I a preset manager window click Load...
And choose snowflake brushes file you can download here and press Load.
Drag this layer to the bottom and above the Background layer (see my pic).
This step is not necessary but I prefer snowflakes below the Christmas trees and not at front of them.
Press D key and after that X key to set white main color.
Press B key to select Brush Tool and right click on document.
After that select custom snowflake and modify it's size too (see my pic).
Click on document and create as many snowflakes as you want.
Right click on document and now choose any other snowflake brush and it's size.
Now create even more snowflakes and repeat last steps to make more different ones to generate a really good Christmas picture.
Hope you like it.
Leave your comments on forum and let me know if you have managed your own Christmas trees with snowflakes.