Image link
In this beginners lesson we're going to insert an image to the web page and add a working link to it.
Open or create a site with at least two web pages.
Click here for the lesson on how to create web pages and links.
In the Design view, make some room at the top by pressing Enter once. Click the blank raw at the top (see picture).
Click Insert and choose Image.
Select the picture and click Open.
In the Alternate text filed enter Back to Home and in Long description field choose the index.html and click OK.
The picture is now on you web page.
Click the picture and click Browse for File button to select the Link.
Choose the index.html and click OK.
Click File and Save (Ctrl + S for the keyboard shortcut) to save the web page.
Now open the about_us.html and repeat steps 2 to 10 once again, when you're finished with the about_us.html, do the same for contact.html.
When you're done, you should have the picture linking to index.html on all three web pages.
Now select the index.html document and press F12.
Your homepage should now have opened. Click through your links and no matter where you are, when you click the picture you inserted it should bring you right to your homepage.
You can link to any web page you want, this was just an example of the homepage link.