Draw a Barcode in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial you will find out how to draw a simple barcode that you can basically find on any article out there.
Open Adobe Photoshop and click above on File and select New...
Then set the same settings like I did and click OK.
You have just created a new document. Press D key to set black and white color.
Click above on Filter, Noise and select Add Noise...
Set the same settings like I did and click OK.
Click above on Filter, Blur and select Motion Blur...
Set the same settings like I did and click OK.
The half of the job is done.
Click above on Image, Adjustments and select Levels...
Set again the same settings like I did and click OK.
Select Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).
Select the bottom part of the document.
This is the place where we will add the numbers for this barcode.
After selection click above on Edit and select Fill...
Set the same settings like I did and click OK.
The selected part of document will be filled by white color.
Then select the Horizontal Type Tool (T).
Press again D key to set black and white color.
I've chosed Arial, 30 pt font, but it's your decision what is the best for your barcode.
Click on document and type random numbers to complete the barcode.
After typing you can move the font layer by choosing the Move Tool (V) and dragging it around.