Create a Cell Effect Using Photoshop
In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial we will use some interesting tools and create a really awesome final cell-like effect.
Create a random sized document.
Then click above on Edit and choose Fill...
In a new window select Black and click OK.
After that select a Gradient Tool (G).
Above choose Radial Gradient and set Mode to Difference.
After that press D and X key to set white and black color.
Then slick and drag with mouse to create a simple circle (see the picture).
And repeat last step to fully fill the whole document.
After that click above on Filter, Distort and choose Ocean Ripple...
In a new window set the same settings like I did and click OK.
Click above on Filter, Distort and choose Ocean Ripple...
In a new window set the same settings like I did and click OK.
We are getting somewhere ...
Click above on Select and select Color Range.
In a new window click on white color on document to select it and set Fuzziness to 200 (see the picture.
Click on OK.
Press Ctrl (Command on MacOS) and J together to create a new layer from selected area.
Click above on Layer, Layer Style and choose Bevel and Emboss...
In a new window set the same settings like I did.
Don't close the window ...
After that click on Color Overlay and set custom color.
Click OK when finished.