How to create a futuristic pattern with Photoshop
I will show you how to create an interesting, artsy and futuristic looking pattern from scratch. More than suitable for the Photoshop beginners.
Create a new document with any size you wish.
In the menu click File and choose New...
In the newly created document choose the Gradient Tool (press G for a keyboard shortcut).
Choose the black to white gradient (see picture).
And choose the Linear Gradient (see picture).
Now click, hold and drag your mouse from the top to the bottom of your document to create a gradient.
You can repeat this step as many times as you want.
In the menu click Filter, Render and choose Difference Clouds.
Keep pressing Ctrl + F until you get an image similar to mine.
Ctrl + F applies the last used filter, Difference Clouds in our case.
In the menu click Image, Adjustments and choose Invert.
In the menu click Image, Adjustments and choose Levels.
Drag the white slider a bit to the left and the black slider to the right (see picture). Click OK when done.
In the menu click Image, Adjustments and choose Hue /Satutration...
In the settings window choose the Colorize option and play with the Hue and Saturation sliders a bit. When you are satisfied with your colors, click OK.
This is how mine looks like at this point.
In the menu click Filter, Brush Strokes and choose Angled Strokes...
Now choose the same settings as I did and click OK.