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Set same Desktop and Start screen wallpaper in Windows 8

Set same Desktop and Start screen wallpaper in Windows 8

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Brodjan

Windows 8.1 allows you to set the same background on Start screen and your Desktop screen. Let see how to do that.

Create a Photo Album Within PowerPoint

Create a Photo Album Within PowerPoint

 Microsoft Office  | Author: NikMan

You can create with ease a photo album in your favourite presentation making program and I will show you how to do it in just a few steps.

How to paint a selection

How to paint a selection

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Let's make a random selection and use an useful trick to fill it with paint.

What do you know about Tibet?

What do you know about Tibet?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

Tibet is a large mountainous plateau in Central Asia. It is often called the "roof of the world". Take this quiz and find out how much do you know about Tibet.

Breathtaking video of skydivers shot with Sony cams

Breathtaking video of skydivers shot with Sony cams

 Links  | Author: mat

Watch this awesome looking video ad by Sony of skydivers sharing their view while plummeting towards the Earth.

Getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

You will introduce yourself, ask for ones name and where they come from and the ever so popular I love you, all this in Portuguese.

Playing Multimedia from Lumia Phone to Xbox One?

Playing Multimedia from Lumia Phone to Xbox One?

 Links  | Author: mat

One of our users is wondering if he will be able to broadcast multimedia files stored on a Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 to the new Xbox One.

Photos taken with Nokia Lumia 1020

Photos taken with Nokia Lumia 1020

 Links  | Author: TheDude

Microsoft Windows Phone manager Joe Belfiore uploaded a couple of sharp looking photos that appear to be taken with a much anticipated Nokia Lumia 1020 and its rocking 41-megapixels PureView camera.



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Family is THE most important thing in the world. Let's learn how to say mom, dad, granny and much more in Russian language.

How to add lens flare in Photoshop the right way

How to add lens flare in Photoshop the right way

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Adding a lens flare can make or break a certain image. The best kind of lens flare is the natural one taken through the actual lens of a camera, but if we do it the right way, we can recreate it using Photoshop just as good.

Was Napoleon a good or a bad guy?

Was Napoleon a good or a bad guy?

 Links  | Author: NikMan

It's a really popular topics over the forums and I wonder about your opinion about France's Napoleon Bonaparte.

Homemade chocolate Sacher cake recipe

Homemade chocolate Sacher cake recipe

 Recipes  | Author: KimmyK

I will show you how to make a world famous and incredibly tasty Austrian chocolate cake, originally called Sachertorte.

How to setup Gmail in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

How to setup Gmail in Mac OS X Mountain Lion

 Apple software  | Author: mat

You can easily add your Gmail account to the Mac OS X Mountain email app and this is how you do it.

Keep the network connection on while Mac is sleeping

Keep the network connection on while Mac is sleeping

 Apple software  | Author: mat

If you want your Mac OS X computer to be available on the network even when in the sleep state, than check this out.

The mirror effect

The mirror effect

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Remember as a kid you played with a mirror, putting your face to the side of it and your friends were laughing  at the funny symmetry of your face and your faces reflection?

Difference between Rap and Hip Hop

Difference between Rap and Hip Hop

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

I always thought that rap and hip hop are just two different terms for the same thing, but I guess I was wrong.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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