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How to create Flash text button in Dreamweaver

How to create Flash text button in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Brodjan

The Flash text object lets you create and insert a Flash SWF file that contains just text. This allows you to create a small, vector-graphic movie with the designer fonts and text of your choice.

Turn image into a comic

Turn image into a comic

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

We're going to download, install and apply an awesome comic effect Photoshop action.

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

Setting up PHP and MySql testing server with WAMP

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

If you want to start learning PHP and MySql, the first step is to setup complete environment on your local computer. This will include Apache web server with PHP support and MySql database server.

Make super tasty homemade tortillas

Make super tasty homemade tortillas

 Recipes  | Author: NikMan

There is a great chance that tortillas you get in supermarkets contain a great deal of preservative harmful to your body. Why not make your own, it's super easy.

Outlook.com file attachment options

Outlook.com file attachment options

 Web services  | Author: mat

The new Outlook.com web email client offers a great way to avoid clogging other people's inbox when sending them large file attachments.

How to set data usage limit on Samsung Galaxy SII

How to set data usage limit on Samsung Galaxy SII

 Mobile platforms  | Author: mat

If you are on a certain data plan on your mobile provider, and don't want to exceed it, you can set data usage warning and a limit which can help you save some of your money.

How good do you know the World War 2 facts?

How good do you know the World War 2 facts?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Some basic questions about World War 2 around the world that you should know if you are little interested in history.

Vending machine 2.0 hits Japan

Vending machine 2.0 hits Japan

 News  | Author: mat

Check out this crazy hi-tech Japan vending machine, equipped with see-through 65 inch full HD display and facial recognition.

First ever private space flight happening right now

First ever private space flight happening right now

 News  | Author: mat

Space Exploration Technologies, a private space company launched a rocket couple a days ago, and sent its Dragon space capsule to dock on the International Space Station.

Getting to know each other

Getting to know each other

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

You will introduce yourself, ask for ones name and where they come from and the ever so popular I love you, all this in Russian language.

Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Italian language.

How to unlock the file in use

How to unlock the file in use

 Other applications  | Author: Brodjan

If any file can not be deleted, then you can use the program LockHunter, which removes the active connections of other applications to that file, which allow you to change or delete file.

Crop images to change their perspective in Photoshop

Crop images to change their perspective in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In Photoshop CS6, the new version of Photoshop, you can use special cropping tool and you are done, but that doesn't mean you cannot achieve the same result with older versions. 

Best way to protect your Windows 8 computer against viruses for free

Best way to protect your Windows 8 computer against viruses for free

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

We are going to download and install one of the best if not the best free anti-virus protection programs out there.

Auto refresh in Dreamweaver

Auto refresh in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: bole

Tutorial suitable for regularly updated websites. In this lesson we will show you how to set automatic refresh.

Add a theme or Bg image in Google Drive presentation

Add a theme or Bg image in Google Drive presentation

 Web services  | Author: bole

Themes, background images, and layouts are a good way for you to customize your presentation and tailor it to a particular audience. In this lesson you will learn how you can easily set a custom wallpaper, or use a theme that Google Present offers.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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