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How to pin tabs in Google Chrome

How to pin tabs in Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: mat

Google Chrome is a great web browser and pinning the opened tabs can make the experience even better. Check it out.

Basics of Excel 2007

Basics of Excel 2007

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

This is tutorial for all, who are ready to learn more about Excel, but they never used it before.

What do you know about dinosaurs?

What do you know about dinosaurs?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Dinosaurs were probbably the scariest animals that ever lived on Earth. They were ruling species of the sea, the land and the sky.

Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials

 Other applications  | Author: mat

It's highly recommended to protect your computer against Virus, Malware, Spyware and other potential threats. Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the better, free solutions.

How to blur background in Gimp

How to blur background in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to blur the background in GIMP so the chosen objects stands out more.

How to check photo EXIF data in Windows 7

How to check photo EXIF data in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data can tell you which camera was used, what focal length, ISO, exposure time was set when taking a photo. Let's see how to look for that data in Windows 7.

Image link

Image link

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: mat

In this beginners lesson we're going to insert an image to the web page and add a working link to it.

How to use Cage Transform tool in Gimp

How to use Cage Transform tool in Gimp

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

Cage Transform tool is really a great tool you can have tons of fun with, let me show you how to use it.

Strawberry shake

Strawberry shake

 Recipes  | Author: Realife

Surprise your dearest or treat yourself with this fast and easy to make sweet and refreshing strawberry drink.

How to limit text area using paths in Photoshop

How to limit text area using paths in Photoshop

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: mat

A nice little and commonly useful Photoshop trick that helps you limit the text area in a custom way using selections and paths, check it out.

Water reflection effect in Photoshop

Water reflection effect in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: TheDude

Let's learn how to create a wavy water reflection effect in this really easy to follow Photoshop tutorial.

How to make a simple scrambled eggs breakfast

How to make a simple scrambled eggs breakfast

 Recipes  | Author: Realife

I will show you a quick and simple breakfast dish you can make and start eating in 5 minutes.

How to add a counter on your website in Dreamweaver

How to add a counter on your website in Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Brodjan

If you want to count how many visitors visit your page you can do it with the help of visitor counter. In this lesson I will show you how you can easily add visitor counter to your website.



 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Numbers are basically universal but pronunciation and writing are different in pretty much all languages and Greek language is no exception.

New Surface tablet by Microsoft

New Surface tablet by Microsoft

 News  | Author: mat

Microsoft just revealed a tablet of their own that seems to have quite a number of advantages when compared with competitors.

Pimp my car Photoshop part 3

Pimp my car Photoshop part 3

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

In the last of the Pimp my car Photoshop series we will tint the windows and change the color of our new hot ride.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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