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CSS basics in Adobe Dreamweaver

CSS basics in Adobe Dreamweaver

 Adobe Dreamweaver  | Author: Brodjan

It is more practical for your web page to use the CSS file, which defines all of the fonts that you want to use.

How to make a screenshot on Nokia N9

How to make a screenshot on Nokia N9

 Mobile platforms  | Author: NikMan

I will show you the easiest way of capturing a screen on your Nokia N9, it involves installing a free app called ShotMee.

Apricot jam rolls recipe

Apricot jam rolls recipe

 Recipes  | Author: brenda_air

Real tasty and easy to make puff pastry rolls filled with apricot jam. You can make them for any social occasion or simply because you got the munchies.

Explore Grand Canyon with Google Maps

Explore Grand Canyon with Google Maps

 News  | Author: mat

You always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon but it isn't exactly nearby where you live? You can now click or swipe your way across the 75 miles of trails and surrounding roads, thanks to Google.

Strawberry Mascarpone whipped cream yogurt tart

Strawberry Mascarpone whipped cream yogurt tart

 Recipes  | Author: willcode4food

You will love this delicious, fresh and easy to make dessert. Strawberries, mascarpone, whipped cream and tasty Greek yogurt with a hint of lime is a combination you really need to experience.

100,000 Stars Google Chrome project

100,000 Stars Google Chrome project

 News  | Author: Spaceman

A beautiful and amazing  interactive visualization of our stellar system made for the Google Chrome web browser.

NASA released an 180 Megapixel panoramic photo

NASA released an 180 Megapixel panoramic photo

 News  | Author: mat

An epic panoramic photograph made by 18.000 stitched-together images of the entire night sky.

Window switching in Windows 7

Window switching in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Let me show you how to switch active windows using keyboard shortcuts.

How to activate games in Windows 7

How to activate games in Windows 7

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: mat

Windows 7 comes with the good old classics like Solitare or Minesweeper and some new ones, all you need to do is enable them.

Guy implants a huge chip into his arm

Guy implants a huge chip into his arm

 News  | Author: mat

Biohacker implanted what is probably the first ever computer chip implant that can monitor, record and transmit his biomertics. And he did it without the help of certified doctor.

Turn off User Account control in Windows 8

Turn off User Account control in Windows 8

 Programs  | Author: bole

Have you ever been bothered by 'Are you sure ...?' window. In this lesson you'll see how you can eliminate such windows forever.

Add an awesome looking halftone dots effect to a photo using Photoshop

Add an awesome looking halftone dots effect to a photo using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We will create two selection in a photo and add cool looking color  half tone effect to them using our trusty Adobe Photoshop.

30 Years of Windows

30 Years of Windows

 Links  | Author: mat

Who would have thought that already 3 decades have passed, since Bill Gates announced Windows Operating System. Check out how Windows have changed through all these years.

Install Movie Maker on Vista or Windows 7

Install Movie Maker on Vista or Windows 7

 Web services  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, i will show you how to install Movie Maker on Windows Vista or 7. For those systems is recommended Live Movie Maker, but some users more like older version.

Drive into the matrix effect in GIMP

Drive into the matrix effect in GIMP

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

I'm going to show how easy it is to make this matrix like cyber effect in a free image editing software GIMP.

North Korea pictures from tourist's point of view

North Korea pictures from tourist's point of view

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Thanks to this guy who visited North Korea we get a good glimpse of how it looks and feels like to be a tourist there. Check out the images to get the feel of it.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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