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Simon's cat short episodes

Simon's cat short episodes

 Links  | Author: NikMan

Simon's Cat is really funny hungry cat who uses increasingly heavy-handed tactics to get its owner to feed it and make you laugh.

What do you know about Wiener Schnitzel?

What do you know about Wiener Schnitzel?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Brodjan

Wiener Schnitzel is traditional dish of Austria. It is thin, breaded steak traditionally fried in fat. Take this quiz and find out how much do you really know about this famous Austrian dish.

Export Word document as PDF

Export Word document as PDF

 Microsoft Office  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, I will show you how to export your Word document to printable and protected version, known as PDF.

Bring back QuickLaunch in Windows 8 Desktop

Bring back QuickLaunch in Windows 8 Desktop

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: podtalje

By default Quick Launch is not enabled in Windows 8 Desktop, but fortunately it's easy to bring back this very useful toolbar.

How to activate single window mode in GIMP 2.8

How to activate single window mode in GIMP 2.8

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

One of the new features of the new GIMP 2.8 is a single window mode view and this is how you activate it.

Grass graffiti with Photoshop

Grass graffiti with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

A little bit longer tutorial where you will be able to write custom text and transform it into a very nice grass graffiti effect.

How good do you know the World War 2 facts?

How good do you know the World War 2 facts?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: NikMan

Some basic questions about World War 2 around the world that you should know if you are little interested in history.

What do you know about space exploration?

What do you know about space exploration?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Pena

Modern scientific big bang theory assumes that everything we see today from the Earth to the cosmic horizon, started out as a very small, hot and dense mixture of matter and energy.

My first Google Docs spreadsheet

My first Google Docs spreadsheet

 Web services  | Author: mat

We will create a new Google Spreadsheet and use it to calculate some basic monthly living expenses.

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

How to create an object reflection in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

You have probably seen numerous of object reflections on web pages and magazines. Let me show you how to do that.

Google buys Boston Dynamics

Google buys Boston Dynamics

 News  | Author: TheDude

Google confirmed that the acquisition of Boston Dynamics - makers of research robots for Pentagon - has been completed on Friday.

Get video embed code when there is no embed option

Get video embed code when there is no embed option

 Web services  | Author: Spaceman

Some videos don't have a sharing option with getting the video embed code for a blog, forum or any html site. Let me show you how to get the embed code anyway with the help of Chrome developer tools.

Preview messages in Gmail

Preview messages in Gmail

 Web services  | Author: bole

In Gmail you can turn on the preview mode to read the mail directly next to the list of conversations. It is much faster way to read your mail.

Start learning PHP - part 2

Start learning PHP - part 2

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

Often in PHP you want the same block of code to run over and over again and instead of adding several almost equal lines, you can use loops to perform this task much easier.

What do you know about India?

What do you know about India?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: Sheeva

Build up your knowledge profile by going through this quick general knowledge quiz about the ancient and beautiful Republic of India.

A simple neon sign in Photoshop

A simple neon sign in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

Let's create a nice and simple neon sign in a form of a paw in this basic Photoshop tutorial.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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