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Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

Autumn Transformation Photoshop Tutorial

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

We will open a summer photograph and with little tricks make autum colors on it. Simple and pretty simple tutorial to follow.

Owls are masters of camouflage

Owls are masters of camouflage

 Links  | Author: KimmyK

Who doesn't love owls, and after seeing 20 amazing examples of these feathery masters of disguise, you love them even more.

Smart contact lens by Google

Smart contact lens by Google

 News  | Author: mat

Google just announced a smart contact lens that can measure glucose levels of people who are suffering from diabetes.

Make Colors Richer on a Photograph using Photoshop

Make Colors Richer on a Photograph using Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

Short and really useful Photoshop tutorial, where you will open random photograph and make much richer colors on it.

Make building taller with Photoshop

Make building taller with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

There's nothing Adobe Photoshop can't do, making skyscraper even taller shouldn't be too hard.

Outlook.com file attachment options

Outlook.com file attachment options

 Web services  | Author: mat

The new Outlook.com web email client offers a great way to avoid clogging other people's inbox when sending them large file attachments.

6 Famous 60-Second Adventures of Thought

6 Famous 60-Second Adventures of Thought

 Links  | Author: mat

Watch this entertaining and educational short animations, brought to you by cool people at Open University.

Food and drink

Food and drink

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Food is good and it's connecting people, so why not learn to pronounce some basic food and drink related items in Russian language.

Header of the table on a new page in Word 2013

Header of the table on a new page in Word 2013

 Microsoft Office  | Author: bole

If the Word document contains a table that spans over multiple pages, then you will like the option to display table headers on each new page.

How to use Set in and Set out points to cut the video

How to use Set in and Set out points to cut the video

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: Brodjan

In this lesson I will show you how to cut the video with the help of Set In and Set Out points. This tool is very useful if you want to cut the video more accurately.

Hosting web pages on Google Drive

Hosting web pages on Google Drive

 Web services  | Author: podtalje

Did you know that on Google Drive it is also possible host HTML web pages. Go through this lesson and learn how to do it.

How to temporary prevent Mac OS X  from sleeping

How to temporary prevent Mac OS X from sleeping

 Apple software  | Author: mat

Sometimes you don't want your Mac OS X Mountain Lion powered computer to go to sleep, here's a nice little trick how to temporary prevent a Mac from going into a sleep mode.

Website design part 2

Website design part 2

 Web services  | Author: Brodjan

In second part of Website design lesson we will prepare colors and a frame for the front page of our webpage.

Make Windows 8 boot straight to the desktop

Make Windows 8 boot straight to the desktop

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: NikMan

In case you are not a great fan of the Windows 8 Metro user interface, you can tell the system to go straight to the Desktop mode.

Better way to work with files in Windows

Better way to work with files in Windows

 Programs  | Author: podtalje

FreeCommander is an alternative to Windows Explorer. It allows us to work with files much faster and also offers a lot of additional features for more advanced users.

Japanese wearable PoweredJacket in action

Japanese wearable PoweredJacket in action

 Links  | Author: mat

Check out this electromechanical exoskeleton made by Japanese manufacturer Sagawa Electronics. The 7 feet tall and 55 pounds light, wearable construction is made of aluminum and carbon fiber.

Displaying 1-16 of total 1945
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