Snooker is a sport that is typically played on a table covered with a green cloth or baize, with pockets situated in each of the four corners and a further two, commonly referred to as the middle, or side pockets, that sit in the middle of each of the long side cushions.
If you don't like to roast the whole turkey you can prepare just white meat which you can stuff and make rolls. I will show you my way of preparing amazing Stuffed Turkey Rolls.
If any file can not be deleted, then you can use the program LockHunter, which removes the active connections of other applications to that file, which allow you to change or delete file.
A Black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. They are one of the greatest mysteries in space. Take this quiz adn find out how much do you really know about Black holes!
An awesome tutorial suitable for Photoshop beginners and intermediates where we create a cool looking gas planet from scratch, by applying a couple of rendering functions and a few tricks.