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Displaying 33-48 of total 1945
How to fix pictures in Photoshop

How to fix pictures in Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: mat

There are quite a few ways to make a picture better. You can make it brighter, sharper and more vivid using a few useful Photoshop tricks.

Bring back QuickLaunch in Windows 8 Desktop

Bring back QuickLaunch in Windows 8 Desktop

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: podtalje

By default Quick Launch is not enabled in Windows 8 Desktop, but fortunately it's easy to bring back this very useful toolbar.

How to change a theme in Google Chrome

How to change a theme in Google Chrome

 Web services  | Author: Pena

If you are fed up with appearance of your Google Chrome then this is a lesson for you. I will show you how you can easily change your Google Chrome look.

Ordering food and drinks

Ordering food and drinks

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

To avoid misunderstandings in restaurants and bars, let's learn a few basic food and drink ordering phrases in Spanish.

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

Proccessing of vertical video clips in Premiere

 Adobe Premiere  | Author: bole

This guide serves as an additional knowledge for Adobe Premiere. I will show you processing of vertical video clip which will be nicely visible also in horizontal view.

How to find out a IPv6 address of a domain

How to find out a IPv6 address of a domain

 Microsoft Windows  | Author: Peter H.

In this lesson, we will learn how to get an IPv6 address from a domain, and open it in a browser.

Create new email account in cPanel

Create new email account in cPanel

 Web services  | Author: Realife

In this tutorial, i will show you, how to create a new email account in your cPanel. This can be business or your personal email address.

Learn How To Download a Web Page With PHP

Learn How To Download a Web Page With PHP

 Programming languages  | Author: podtalje

We will learn two different ways how to download a page in PHP from a web URL, learn how to use cURL and how to set a few additional options and finally show contents on your page.

GoPro camera falls from a plane and lands in a pig pen

GoPro camera falls from a plane and lands in a pig pen

 Links  | Author: KidCurious

Talking about awesome coincidences... A GoPro camera fell from a plane carrying sky divers and lands in a pig pen! This guy finds it 8 months later and posts it on YouTube.

Blurred text effect with Photoshop

Blurred text effect with Photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop  | Author: NikMan

You will learn how to make a blurred text effect on a random word and make it available to edit and modify any time later.

Nature and wildlife

Nature and wildlife

 Languages  | Author: NikMan

Nature is everything around us, we are nature and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it. Now let's learn about nature in Portuguese.

A simple dropdown menu with Dreamweaver

A simple dropdown menu with Dreamweaver

 Editor's pick  | Author: mat

In this tutorial we create a simple drop-down menu, using Adobe Dreamweaver's built-in features.

What do you know about fish?

What do you know about fish?

 Knowledge Check  | Author: bole

Fish are vertebrates, which are adapted to life in the aquatic environment. Fish are the most numerous group of vertebrates. The number of different species of fish is almost as much as all other vertebrates together.

Connect Samsung mobile device to Kies via USB

Connect Samsung mobile device to Kies via USB

 Other applications  | Author: mat

We are going to connect a Samsung mobile phone to a Windows Notebook using Samsung Kies synchronisation app and a USB cable.

Automatic replies in Gmail

Automatic replies in Gmail

 Web services  | Author: mat

If you're going on a vacation and you want people to know you won't be able to reply their e-mails, you can activate the Vacation Responder.

How to create an object reflection using GIMP

How to create an object reflection using GIMP

 The Gimp  | Author: mat

You will learn how to add reflections to objects in only a few steps with free GIMP. 

Displaying 33-48 of total 1945
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